Yay Winslow Group!
Welcome to the Winslow Lab Homepage. Our group focuses on how the physics of fundamental particles shaped our universe and the development of specialized experiments, including novel detector technology and algorithms, to address these questions. This work currently focuses on searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay and axion dark matter.
Our Physics
Our group focuses on how the physics of fundamental particles shaped our universe and the development of specialized experiments, including novel detector technology and algorithms, to address these questions. see more >>
Our Team
Meet the Winslow Lab Team!
Work with Us
The work we do in the Winslow lab includes a variety of projects. Contact Professor Winslow for inquiries.
Our Experiments
The Winslow lab works on two large international collabortations searching for neutrinoless double beta decay: see more >>
In the News
Take a look at where the Winslow Lab has been featured!
Contact the Winslow Lab
We are usually looking for graduate and undergraduate students. If you are interested in joining our group, please email Lindley directly.
For Current Students, Staff and Team Members:

Our Funding Agencies